The engagement approach involves a systematic process, typically including:
1. Financial Position Determination: Assessing the financial standing of the company.
2. Operational Understanding: Gaining insights into operating activities, key drivers, and commercial/contractual arrangements affecting financial performance.
3. Analysis of Trading Performance: Examining recent trading performance and identifying significant events influencing it.
4. Historical Trading Analysis: Analyzing historical trading results and fund generation/use.
5. Strategic Assessment: Evaluating business strategy, financial projections, resource utilization, industry issues, and management capabilities.
6. Business Improvement Options: Considering potential business improvement options based on the assessment.
The culmination of Investigating Accountant Reviews involves the formulation of strategies aligned with stakeholder needs. These strategies may address breaches, support new lending, or enhance business operations. Additionally, Investigating Accountants may play a role in monitoring the implementation of these strategies.
Engagement Approach
Investigating Accountant Reviews are engagements often conducted on behalf of secured lenders, typically banks, or other stakeholders such as significant creditors, trading partners, or prospective investors.
The purpose of these reviews varies and may include assessing breaches of facility agreements, pre-lending reviews for new loan facilities, changes to existing facilities, or evaluating risks in commercial and financial decisions for stakeholders.
The approach under an Investigating Accountant Review engagement may also be utilised by management in determining business improvement or turnaround strategies.
Overview of Investigating Accountant Reviews

At SMB Advisory, we have extensive experience providing independent investigating accountant reviews to secured creditors throughout Australia. Our team of insolvency and restructuring experts draw on a portfolio of financial, operational and management experience and understands the unique challenges secured creditors face.
We work closely with our clients to develop tailored solutions that meet their needs and objectives.
How we can help

Investigative Accounting Reviews
When borrowers encounter financial distress, it's crucial for lenders to swiftly and decisively take action to safeguard the value of the business or assets involved.
One such option available to secured creditors is to appoint an independent expert to conduct an investigating accountant review of the borrowers business.